• Ukraine: tech giants at the heart of the infowar

    Tech giants are now an integral part of our daily lives and are closely linked to societal and worldwide stakes. For better or for worse. Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, Instagram and the other giants inevitably have a major role to play in the Ukrainian conflict, notably in the information war that is currently going on.  As the sociologist Zeynep Tufecki highlights, [...]

    Ukraine: tech giants at the heart of the infowar2022-03-25T17:25:04+01:00

    Ukrainian conflict: The White House briefs 30 TikTokers

    To stop the spread of misinformation, the White House wanted to act directly on the platform that has become a primary outlet for disseminating news to the masses, especially to young audiences. So, on Thursday 10th March, a group of about 30 high-profile influencers on TikTok were invited to receive factual explanations about the Ukrainian conflict. The aim of this [...]

    Ukrainian conflict: The White House briefs 30 TikTokers2022-03-25T17:25:44+01:00

    The attention economy: a future brand positioning indicator?

    At the beginning of January, the Conseil national du numérique (The National Digital Council) published a report that warned against several “dangerous” psychosocial effects of the methods used by social networks and other internet platforms, visited everyday by millions of users. Methods, or devices for capturing attention, whose objective it is to keep users on their screens. To combat these [...]

    The attention economy: a future brand positioning indicator?2022-03-25T17:17:26+01:00

    Monopoly raises awareness about economic and social discrimination

    The famous board game, Monopoly, steeped in the spirit of capitalism, wanted to raise awareness of inequality. They did this by changing the rules of the game. Since 2017, Monopoly has been considering how to alert young people to the issues of social and economic inequality and discrimination. Children and young teenagers were invited to join in a game in [...]

    Monopoly raises awareness about economic and social discrimination2022-03-25T17:15:50+01:00

    The metaverse: are French people and companies ready?

    Whether in the entrepreneurial world or the media, the metaverse is being announced as the digital revolution of the next decade. Literally, not a day goes by that a brand doesn’t announce their intention to invest in, and develop, their metaverse activity. Nevertheless, the French are not yet ready for the metaverse. In fact, only of French people have heard [...]

    The metaverse: are French people and companies ready?2022-03-25T17:32:26+01:00

    In 2021, nearly 3 billion people are not connected

    The collective imagination would tend to think that over the last few years, and even more so since the pandemic, the whole of humanity would be linked digitally: “everyone has moved to digital”. But according to the UN, we are still a long way from that reality. 37% of the global population has never been on the Internet, that is [...]

    In 2021, nearly 3 billion people are not connected2021-12-21T15:19:29+01:00

    Innocence En Danger lists “childhood” on the stock exchange

    On World Children’s Day on the 20th November, Innocence En Danger decided to list childhood on the stock exchange and launched the Childhood Index Value. This stock market value was the first negatively quoted IPO at minus 142,7 billion euros, representing what abuse to children costs each year in Europe. This calculation represents the costs incurred by health and social [...]

    Innocence En Danger lists “childhood” on the stock exchange2021-12-21T15:15:02+01:00

    Just how relevant are polls today?

    The production and publication of polls of various kinds has been on the increase for a few years now,  and they are subject to constant comments and debates. These polls have infiltrated many sectors: not only in the political arena of course and the economic and social sectors, but also in that of communication and advertising. These polls and their [...]

    Just how relevant are polls today?2021-12-21T15:07:23+01:00

    Is the metaverse to become the next big digital revolution?

    Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement that Facebook will be hiring 10 000 people in Europe to develop the “metaverse”, thrust this major digital project into the spotlight. The concept, which is still difficult to fully imagine, derives from the English “meta – universe” and describes a unique digital world that will enhance our digital experience, by moving from a two-dimensional reality into [...]

    Is the metaverse to become the next big digital revolution?2021-11-23T16:48:08+01:00

    Young people are interested in the presidential election, but not on social media

    At the beginning of October, the institute Ipsos published a study that shed light on the opinions of the younger generation relating to the presidential election ahead of us. The figures demonstrate a definite interest from young people in political subjects. But for young people, political personalities have no place on social media. Young people know that politics is a [...]

    Young people are interested in the presidential election, but not on social media2021-11-23T16:43:33+01:00
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